Tag Archives: family

Fight as a Family

I am so happy that “StartofDrive” found me as I loved what I have been reading in his pages as he explained to me that the core meaning of his blog is: “Football and Life began.” Just like his post about “Family,” I can’t help but be inspired that the reference to the team is family standing up together through adversity, failure and success.

Start Of Drive

As you watch this video think about how do you fight as a family when faced with adversity. Do you point the finger? Do you play the blame game? Do help your family knowing it helps you? I would argue we all have individuals fights in which we may win or lose. However, every fight you have as a family should be together. Win, Lose, or Draw. Can you turn to your left or right and see you family going through the same struggle you are? If so, that’s the definition of “fighting the good fight”.

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Questions That Will Stir Your Soul by Lisa Nichols

Lisa Nichols’ talk at Awesomeness Fest 2010 in Costa Rica by Mindvalley.

“I came here to ask you some questions that will stir your soul. To share some stories that might open your heart. Give you permission to play bigger. Because it’s your assignment. Because you’ll never be at peace until you say yes to your big picture assignment.”
– Lisa Nichols, Bestselling Author, Public Speaker and Star of “The Secret”

This is an amazing video. I was enlightened when I stumbled on this. I hope it will stir your soul.

Please leave me a comment if you felt the same way.

Husband Knows Best

I often tell my husband that he got a wealth of knowledge and wisdom in his big head. Often I joke….”what  happened dear that you never get to use it?” It was part humour and frustration because he is such a very smart, wise and intelligent human being but he is just comfortable and contented to where he is right now. As for me, I see it as my vantage point.  I know I’m a doer. I don’t seem to get satisfied to be doing just one thing. I’m always looking for something to do…a project , he says. I want to create, I want to do something amazing and live it.


One day I was taking this journey of self-awareness. I was taking the challenge of actually doing the exercises  about clarifying my dreams, my vision and what my goals are. I even took meditation and bought a book..things that I won’t normally do or even thought of doing. Well for one, meditation will make me fall asleep. Two, buying a book. Why do it whereas the world wide web has it all? I would normally say, just “google it.” But I just did it anyways because I’m on this journey. I decided to take this path because I’m damn too tired of waiting for others and leaving it to chance. I’m so fed up of people telling me it won’t work. But all I want is to solve a problem. All I want is to make happiness part of our everyday life and of the future. All I want to do is feel joy and a sense of purpose and success to whatever work, job, task, problems we face.  For once, I want to see people say, “let’s do it!”


My husband knows best. He told me that I can do anything I want to be. He is my number one raving fan. He does it because he believes in me especially when I don’t. He was the first one to tell me that “you can’t” just to test me so I could get out of this negative feeling of “I can’t.” He told me that its best to just do it because when you do, it will open opportunities of mistakes towards learning. And this learning are my building blocks to success. I will learn not to repeat the same task therefore I will be better and have higher chances of achieving what I want. It really sounds so simple. I thought of myself, I know that already. I could have thought about it. But  I didn’t. But he did and I’m glad he did it to me.


November-30-13; 1:39 PM